Where Do You Hail From?

As a Child of GOD when people ask you this question: Where do you hail from? Know how to respond to them. Don’t speak like those who are of the world. Don’t say, “I hail from Africa or Europe or Asia or North America or South America or Middle East or Australia or Brazil or the United States of America or Columbia or Cameroon or Canada or Nigeria or Zambia or Germany or France or your village or city or town or state etc.” No, don’t speak like that. Learn from JESUS CHRIST our HOLY LORD always. For it is written, “Little Children, you are of GOD … (1 John 4:4). That means our origin is of GOD. Again the HOLY SPIRIT says, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever (1 Peter 1:23).

As Children of GOD our origin is of GOD.

We originated from GOD.

We are from GOD.

We proceeded and came forth from GOD.

We hail from GOD. Wow! That is so powerful. Glory to GOD our Loving FATHER!

The HOLY SPIRIT says, “For HE who sanctifies and those who are sanctified have all one origin. That is why HE is not ashamed to call them Brethren,… (Hebrew 2:11).” That is beyond human understanding and those of the world cannot understand it. The natural man cannot understand it. The earthy cannot understand it. We children of GOD have one origin with the LORD. Wow! Wow! Wow! Hallelujah!Glory!!!!!!! Now you know where you hail from.

You hail from GOD.

Your origin is of GOD.

You proceeded and came forth from GOD.

So when someone asks you that where do you hail from? Boldly tell the person that you hail from GOD; that you are from GOD; that you proceeded and came forth from GOD. That should be your response. You are born of GOD and not of man as it is written, “But to all who received HIM, who believed in HIS Name, HE gave power to become children of GOD; who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of GOD (John 1:12-13).” Learn from the LORD always and speak like HIM.

“I am of GOD.”

“I am from GOD.”

“I proceeded and came forth from GOD.”

Thank You Precious HOLY SPIRIT for teaching us all things and bringing to our remembrance all what JESUS CHRIST our Glorious LORD has said.

All Glory and Honor be to GOD ALMIGHTY forever and ever in JESUS’ NAME. Amen!




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