Where Do You Hail From?

As a Child of GOD when people ask you this question: Where do you hail from? Know how to respond to them. Don’t speak like those who are of the world. Don’t say, “I hail from Africa or Europe or Asia or North America or South America or Middle East or Australia or Brazil or the United States of America or Columbia or Cameroon or Canada or Nigeria or Zambia or Germany or France or your village or city or town or state etc.” No, don’t speak like that. Learn from JESUS CHRIST our HOLY LORD always. For it is written, “Little Children, you are of GOD … (1 John 4:4). That means our origin is of GOD. Again the HOLY SPIRIT says, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever (1 Peter 1:23).

As Children of GOD our origin is of GOD.

We originated from GOD.

We are from GOD.

We proceeded and came forth from GOD.

We hail from GOD. Wow! That is so powerful. Glory to GOD our Loving FATHER!

The HOLY SPIRIT says, “For HE who sanctifies and those who are sanctified have all one origin. That is why HE is not ashamed to call them Brethren,… (Hebrew 2:11).” That is beyond human understanding and those of the world cannot understand it. The natural man cannot understand it. The earthy cannot understand it. We children of GOD have one origin with the LORD. Wow! Wow! Wow! Hallelujah!Glory!!!!!!! Now you know where you hail from.

You hail from GOD.

Your origin is of GOD.

You proceeded and came forth from GOD.

So when someone asks you that where do you hail from? Boldly tell the person that you hail from GOD; that you are from GOD; that you proceeded and came forth from GOD. That should be your response. You are born of GOD and not of man as it is written, “But to all who received HIM, who believed in HIS Name, HE gave power to become children of GOD; who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of GOD (John 1:12-13).” Learn from the LORD always and speak like HIM.

“I am of GOD.”

“I am from GOD.”

“I proceeded and came forth from GOD.”

Thank You Precious HOLY SPIRIT for teaching us all things and bringing to our remembrance all what JESUS CHRIST our Glorious LORD has said.

All Glory and Honor be to GOD ALMIGHTY forever and ever in JESUS’ NAME. Amen!



Why Are You Here On Earth?

Some of my Precious Beloved Brethren don’t know why they are here on earth, and because of that, they live life like those of the world.

They don’t know that they are here on earth for a purpose.

They don’t know that they are here on earth to glorify GOD.

They don’t know that they are here on earth to bring glory to GOD.

They don’t know that they are here on earth to establish GOD’S KINGDOM of Righteousness.

They don’t know that they are here on earth to prolong the days of JESUS CHRIST. As CHRIST’S SEED, we are prolonging His Days here on earth (Isaiah 53:10).

They don’t know that they are here on earth to do the Will of GOD.

My precious beloved brethren, as a Child of GOD you are here on earth for a purpose. You have a particular job here on earth to do and that job is your primary assignment on earth. For it is written, “For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten son that whosoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).” GOD loves the world so much and HE sent JESUS CHRIST HIS SON to save the world from sin, and HE did it. And JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF also said to us, “… As the FATHER has sent ME, even so I send You (John 20:21).” Again HE said to us, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation (Mark 16:15).” That is your primary assignment here on earth as a Child of GOD. Any other thing you are doing is secondary.

GOD has planned a work for you to do here on earth and you must keep your focus on that divine assignment, which is soul winning. JESUS said, “Go into the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.” Don’t let anyone or anything distract you from it, for that’s your primary assignment.

In every conversation, speak the gospel. Talk what the word of GOD says. Your determination should be to please the LORD on a day-to-day basis by doing what HIS Word says.The HOLY SPIRIT says, “Take delight in the LORD, and HE will give you the desires of your heart.” It’s HIS pleasure to grant you the desires of your heart. Yours is to delight yourself in HIM, and refuse to be distracted from what HE’S called you to do. Become effective spiritually, especially in soul winning. Get happy and excited about serving the LORD, and everything will fall into place for you.

Remember that the greatest passion in GOD’S HEART is having men receive eternal life. That’s why HE sent HIS Son, JESUS CHRIST, to the world. The Bible says, “For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life.” So, as good and noble as your intentions and pursuits may be, if they don’t culminate in the salvation of souls, they won’t mean much to GOD. Heaven recognizes those who have made soul-winning a priority; who promote the Gospel of CHRIST.

What the LORD will be interested in the most when you come before HIS Judgment seat is what you did with the Gospel. You must prove your relevance in the Kingdom by making sure your life counts in leading men and women to CHRIST.

Finally, the purpose of life is to glorify GOD all the time. Our life is for His glory. It’s all about JESUS. It’s not about me, it’s not about you, it’s not about our parents or whosoever but it’s all about GOD. So know that life is all about JESUS. Live for HIM. Do what HE has sent You here on earth to do.

Thank You Precious HOLY SPIRIT for teaching us all things and bringing to our remembrance all what JESUS CHRIST our LORD has said.

All Glory and Honor be to GOD ALMIGHTY forever and ever in JESUS’ NAME. Amen!



The LORD GOD Is Good.

The LORD GOD is good to all, and His compassion is over all that He has made. 

The LORD is good all the time and all the time the LORD is good.


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First of all, I thank the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY my Blessed Heavenly FATHER for provided us with the internet and all the various means available for us to preach and spread the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST all over the World. Because of JESUS CHRIST, I live. Thank You Holy FATHER for my Blessed Brother and Man of GOD Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and for using him mightily to teach us your Glorious Word. The LORD has made me a success forever. Whatever I do I prosper. I am successful in all things. Victory is my Life style. My Life is for the Glory of GOD and for the Praise of His Glory alone. Blessed be GOD forever.

I also thank Wealthy Affiliate (WA) for teaching me how to build and own a beautiful website, operate a website, manage a website, and also how to be a successful affiliate marketer.

I love to share this with anyone who is interested in Affiliate Marketing. Wealthy Affiliate is the site which helped me to create my blessed website for the Glory of GOD ALMIGHTY. In Wealthy Affiliate, you will learn everything about creating a website, and they will assist you in all the steps of creating a beautiful website. Wealthy Affiliate has a wonderful community of people which you can learn a lot from them apart from all these. You can also make great friends through the Wealthy Affiliate Community. They also train people on how to be successful in online marketing, and to own your own online business.

I strongly recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who is interested in creating a beautiful website, owning a website, doing online marketing and making money, and socializing etc.



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Where Are You From?

As a Child of GOD when people ask you this question (Where are you from?) know how to respond to it. Don’t say, “I am from Cameroon or Canada or Germany or France or Italy or Britain or Nigeria or the United States of America or India or China or Philippines or Brazil or Israel etc.” No, don’t speak like that. Learn from JESUS CHRIST our LORD. HE said, “learn from me (Matthew 1:29).”

When the Pharisees were wondering where JESUS CHRIST our LORD came from and were asking questions. HE said to them, “…I am from Above;… (John 8:23).” He didn’t say, “I am from Bethlehem or Galilee or Nazareth” but HE said, “I am from Above”. And the HOLY SPIRIT says, “… As JESUS is so are we in this world (1 John 4:17).” Now you know where you come from.

You are from Above.

You are from Heaven.

You are from GOD.

So when someone ask you that where are you from? Boldly tell the person that you are from Above; that you are from Heaven. That should be your response.

But when he/she ask you that which country are you from? Then you tell him/her your country whether Cameroon or Canada or Nigeria or USA or Germany or China or Kenya or Australia or Zambia or Belgium or Ghana or Mexico etc. Learn from the LORD always and speak like HIM.

Thank You Precious HOLY SPIRIT for teaching us all things and bringing to our remembrance all what JESUS CHRIST our LORD has said.

All Glory and Honor be to GOD ALMIGHTY forever and ever in JESUS’ NAME. Amen!

GOD loves us very much.

I am the Beloved of the LORD.



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Where Are You?

Some of my Precious Beloved Brethren don’t know where they are right now. Some still think that they are of the world and so they talk and behave like those of the world. But we are not of the world but of GOD (1 John 4:4-6). JESUS CHRIST our Precious LORD has chosen us out of the world (John 15:19).

The day you truly accepted JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and SAVIOR from your heart, that very moment you were transferred from the dominion of darkness (kingdom of darkness) into the Kingdom of Light which is the Kingdom of the SON of GOD-JESUS CHRIST (Colossians 1:13). So, what you are about to read below are Solid Truth about where you are right now as a Child of GOD. All those who are led by the SPIRIT of GOD are Sons of GOD (Romans 8:14).

You are in the Fullness of Life in CHRIST JESUS who is the head of all rule and authority (Colossians 2:10).

You are in the Kingdom and Glory of GOD (Thessalonians 2:12).

You are in the Heavenly Places sited with CHRIST JESUS (Ephesians 2:6).

You are sited with CHRIST JESUS at the Right Hand of GOD (Ephesians 1:20-21).

You are in the Fellowship of the SON Of GOD-JESUS CHRIST (1 Corinthians 1:9).

You are in the Spirit (Romans 8:9).

You are in His Marvelous Light (1 Peter 2:9).

You are in the Glory and Excellence of GOD (2 Peter 1:3).

You are in Freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).

You are in Peace (1 Corinthians 7:15, Romans 14:17).

You are in Holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:7, Romans 14:17).

You are in CHRIST JESUS. In HIM you live and move and have your being (Act 17:28).

You are in GOD (Colossians 3:3).


So when someone asks you that where are you? Boldly tell the person that you are in CHRIST; that you are in the Heavenly Places with CHRIST JESUS; that you are in the Fullness of Life in CHRIST JESUS. That should be your response. Believe this Truth which is the Word of GOD and always confess it. Speak scriptures.

Thank You Precious HOLY SPIRIT for teaching us all things and bringing to our remembrance all what JESUS CHRIST our Glorious LORD has said.

All Glory and Honor be to GOD ALMIGHTY our HOLY FATHER forever and ever in JESUS’ NAME. Amen!

GOD loves us so much.

I am the Beloved of the LORD.



About Me

Peace be with you. You are lovely and highly welcome to JESUS Is The Only Way To GOD website (https://jesusistheonlywaytogod.com/).

I am a Life-Giving Spirit ministering Divine Life to the world. JESUS CHRIST is my Life. HE is my LORD. Glory to GOD my Glorious FATHER.

My Name is T.M.Pelekeh. I live in Maryland, United States of America (USA).
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Labor Day Sale
Labor Day Sale

Who Are You?

Some of my beloved brethren don’t really know who they are in CHRIST JESUS. What you are about to read below are Solid Truth and Reality about You and your real identity in CHRIST JESUS and who you are.

You are GOD’S own Child (1 John 3:1-2, 1 Peter 2:9, Galatians 3:26).

You are a Life-Giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45,47-48, 1 John 4:17, 1 Corinthians 6:17).

You are of GOD (Hebrews 2:11, 1 John 4:4-6, 1 John 5:19).

You are a partaker of HIS Divine Nature (2 Peter 1:4, 1 John 5:11-12, 1 Peter 5:10).

You are an Associate of GOD-Kind (1 John 4:17, Hebrews 2:11).

You are the Righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS (2 Corinthians 5:21).

You are One with CHRIST (Galatians 2:20, 1 John 4:17).

You are a partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in Light (Colossians 1:12).

You are a Saint (Jude 1:3).

You are a Citizen of Heaven with the Saints (Ephesians 2:19).

You are a member of the Household of Faith (Galatians 6:10).

You are a member of the Household of GOD (Ephesians 2:19).

You are a member of the Body of CHRIST (Ephesians 5:30, Ephesians 3:6, 1 Corinthians 6:15).

You are the temple of the Living GOD (2 Corinthians 6:16).

You are a fellow worker in the Truth (3 John 1:8).

You are HIS Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10).

You are a land of delight (Malachi 3:12).

You are a blessed child (Malachi 3:12, Ephesians 1:3, 1 Peter 1:3).

You are CHRIST’S Brother/Sister (Luke 8:21, Hebrews 2:11).

You are a promise child (Galatians 4:28).

You are a Holy Nation (1 Peter 2:9).

You are a Chosen Race (1 Peter 2:9).

You are a Royal Priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).

You are GOD’S Special Possession (Malachi 3:17).

You are GOD’S Precious Possession (Isaiah 43:4, John 3:16).

You are an Overcomer (1 John 5:5).

You are more than a Conquerors (Romans 8:37).

You are Powerful (Luke 10:19-20).

You are a Heavenly Person (1 Corinthians 15:48).

You are a New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:24, 1 Peter 1:23).

You are a blessing carrier (Ephesians 1:3).

You are a dispenser of GOD’S Blessings (2 Peter 1:4, 1 John 4:17).

You are a distributor of GOD’S Blessings (2 Peter 1:4, 1 John 4:17).

You are a Son of Light (1 Thessalonians 5:5).

You are a Son of Day (1 Thessalonians 5:5).

You are the Salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13).

You are a Free Person (Galatians 5:1, Galatians 5:13, 1 Peter 2:16, 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 8:36).

You are GOD’S Chosen One (Colossians 3:12, 1 Thessalonians 1:4).

You are the Image and the Glory of GOD (1 Corinthians 11:7, John 17:22).

You are the manifestation of GOD’S Glory (John 17:22).

You are the express image of HIS PERSON (2 Peter 1:4, 1 John 4:17).

You are Heir of GOD (Romans 8:17).

You are a fellow Heir with JESUS CHRIST (Romans 8:17).

You are an Ambassador of CHRIST (Philemon 1:9).

You are a Prisoner for CHRIST (Philemon 1:9, Philippians 1:29-20, Ephesians 4:1).

You are a Person zealous for good deeds (Titus 2:14).

You are an Aroma of CHRIST (2 Corinthians 2:15).

You are a Letter from CHRIST to the World (2 Corinthians 3:3).

You are a Comforter (2 Corinthians 1:4).

You are the Light of the world (Matthew 5:14, Ephesians 5:8).

You are the Living Tabernacle of the Living CHRIST (Galatians 2:20).

You are the Head of all rules and authority (Colossians 2:10, 1 John 4:17, Galatians 2:20).

You are a possessor of Heaven and Earth (Genesis 14:19, Galatians 3:29).

My dear beloved brethren, I write this to you who believe in the Name
of the Son of GOD, that you may know who you are and your real identity
in CHRIST JESUS our LORD. Therefore my dear beloved brethren, always
affirm and confess these all the time. For it is written, “Therefore ,
brethren, be the more zealous to confirm your call and election, for if
you do this you will never fall; so there will be richly provided for
you an entrance into the Eternal Kingdom of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS
CHRIST (2 Peter 1:10).” Thank You HOLY SPIRIT for teaching and reminding
us of who we are in CHRIST JESUS in JESUS’ NAME.


You are the Beloved of the LORD.

I am the Beloved of the LORD.


It’s Time to Know the Mirrow Principle.

Many of my Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the LORD are suffering because they are not yet applying the Mirrow Principle of the Word of GOD. That principle is simple to see yourself to be what GOD says you are in His Word, and then act accordingly. It simply means acting the Word.

The LORD says, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes… (Mark 9:23).” Again He says, “… The Righteous shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of GOD (Romans 10:17).” Do you believe what GOD’S Word says about you? Are you acting the Word?

JESUS our BELOVED LORD said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that preceedeth out of the Mouth of GOD (Matthew 4:4).”

Finally, the LORD says, “My People are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).”

It’s time to know the Mirrow Principle and do it.

Thank You GLORIOUS HOLY SPIRIT for Thy Word.



Enjoy Life.

Be A Fellow Worker In The Truth.

GOD’S WORD is Truth. As good and noble as your intentions and pursuits may be, if they don’t culminate in the salvation of souls, they won’t mean much to GOD. Heaven recognizes those who have made soul-winning a priority; who promote the Gospel of CHRIST. What the LORD will be interested in the most when you come before HIS Judgment seat is what you did with the Gospel. You must prove your relevance in the Kingdom by making sure your life counts in leading men and women to CHRIST.

Thank You Gracious LORD JESUS for Thy WORD.

JESUS loves you very much and cares for you more than you can ever think of.

HE loves me very much and I am the Beloved of the LORD. Glory!!!



Enjoy Life according to GOD’S WORD.


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