Sin remains sin, and Homosexuality is a sin.

Homosexuality is a sin. Remember, two cities were destroyed because of homosexuality. And today, many nations are playing with this sin by legalizing it.

Also, remembers that the LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, left heaven and came on earth to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality which they have legalized and made it their life style. The LORD didn’t send HIS Angels alone to destroy the cities. No, HE didn’t. HE didn’t send HIS Servants to destroy the cities but HE HIMSELF came down with two of HIS Angels to earth and destroyed the cities. This show how serious this sin (homosexuality) is. This is a great warning to all the nations and cities that are legalizing homosexuality.

For it is written, “If by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes HE condemned them to extinction and made them an example to those who were to be ungodly (2 Peter 2:6).” And today, some nations are legalizing it.

Some leaders and people support and approve it. The current Pop (Pop Francis) when he visited South America said to a gay man that GOD created him that way. That’s statement is an absolute lie. What a shame to say such an evil statement!

On the day of judgment, you will see great men and women in hell; you will see presidents and leaders in hell; you will see business tycoon in hell; you will see wealthy and poor people in hell; you will see Pop in hell; you will see those who called themselves men/women of GOD while they are false prophets and teachers in hell, and they all will be cast into the lake of fire.

My dear, do not be deceived by whosoever. Anything contrary to GOD’S WORD is a big evil, and never accepts it no matter who say it. I say to all those who are living a life style of sin- a life style of homosexuality; a life style of lying, cheating, killing, fornication, adultery, selfishness, corruption, pride, ungratefulness, etc to repent from their hearts and live for JESUS CHRIST, and the LORD will set them free from this bondage and the destruction to come.

If you love anyone, always tell him/her the truth.




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