My help comes from GOD ALMIGHTY.
HE is my HELPER.
YOU are my HELPER.
JESUS CHRIST is Reality. Absolute Reality.
My help comes from GOD ALMIGHTY.
HE is my HELPER.
YOU are my HELPER.
Take special note of this always so that you will not be deceived:
All religions in the world are the same but Christianity is not a religion.
Christianity is the outworking of Divinity in Humanity; the revelation of CHRIST in You. A Christian is one in whom CHRIST dwells. CHRIST in You the Hope of Glory (Colossians 1:27).
Christianity is not a religion. Period!
Blessed be the LORD OF GLORY-JESUS CHRIST my Life forever.
It is a rare privilege to be in a position to help the poor and the needy; to help anyone who is in need; to render services to others; and to tell others about JESUS CHRIST. What a Privilege!!! What a Blessing!!! Don’t Take It For Granted.
When you know this Truth, you will be happy doing it and you will do it in Love and by so doing; you will be honoring and glorifying GOD ALMIGHTY for given you such a privilege to help or serves others.
JESUS CHRIST our LORD and SAVIOR said, “For the Son of Man also came not to be saved but to serve, and to give His life as ransom for many (Mark 10:45). If I then your LORD and TEACHER, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you…..if you know these things, blessed are you if you do them (John 13:14-17).”
For it is written, “It is blessed to give than to receive. Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.” So you can clearly see that the blessing is on the one who give, who serves others, who help others and who care for others. Again JESUS said “… the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you (Mark 4:24).” What a privilege! What a blessing! Don’t take it for granted.
It is a privilege and a grace to get up in the morning and there is someone (your neighbor, friends, wife/husband, children, siblings, relatives, colleagues or customers) that you can greet and say good morning, I love you, how are you today? How was your night? How was your day? How are you feeling today? When you know that this is a privilege and a grace from GOD ALMIGHTY, you will never take it for granted; and even when they may hurt you or make you angry, you will not stop loving and greeting them. When you know and accept this truth, immediately pride will leave you, boasting will leave you and arrogant will run away from you. And you will start living a life of Love, a life of humility and sincerity. Your life will be GOD’S Life. For it is written, “GOD is LOVE.” What a privilege! What a blessing! Don’t take it for granted.
Again, it is a rare privilege to be persecuted for CHRIST’s sake. So rejoice in your trails and persecutions. For it is written, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in Heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you (Matthew 5:10-11).” What a privilege! What a blessing! Don’t take it for granted.
When you know these and you accept it in your heart, you will stop complaining in your trails and persecutions, and instead you will be rejoicing because you know who you are in CHRIST JESUS and the reward of it.
Thank You LORD for Thy WORD today in JESUS NAME.
CHRIST in me the Hope of Glory.
They don’t know that they are here on earth for a purpose.
They don’t know that they are here on earth to glorify GOD.
They don’t know that they are here on earth to bring glory to GOD.
They don’t know that they are here on earth to establish GOD’S KINGDOM of Righteousness.
They don’t know that they are here on earth to prolong the days of JESUS CHRIST. As CHRIST’S SEED, we are prolonging His Days here on earth(Isaiah 53:10).
They don’t know that they are here on earth to do the Will of GOD.
My precious beloved brethren, as a Child of GOD you are here on earth for a purpose. You have a particular job here on earth to do and that job is your primary assignment on earth. For it is written, “For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten son that whosoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).” GOD loves the world so much and HE sent JESUS CHRIST HIS SON to save the world from sin, and HE did it. And JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF also said to us, “… As the FATHER has sent ME, even so I send You (John 20:21).” Again HE said to us, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation (Mark 16:15).” This is your primary assignment here on earth as a Child of GOD. Any other thing you are doing is secondary.
GOD has planned a work for you to do here on earth and you must keep your focus on that divine assignment, which is soul winning. JESUS said, “Go into the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.” Don’t let anyone or anything distract you from it, for that’s your primary assignment.
In every conversation, speak the gospel. Talk what the word of GOD says. Your determination should be to please the LORD on a day-to-day basis by doing what HIS Word says.The HOLY SPIRIT says, “Take delight in the LORD, and HE will give you the desires of your heart.” It’s HIS pleasure to grant you the desires of your heart. Yours is to delight yourself in HIM, and refuse to be distracted from what HE’S called you to do. Become effective spiritually, especially in soul winning. Get happy and excited about serving the LORD, and everything will fall into place for you.
What the LORD will be interested in the most when you come before HIS Judgment seat is what you did with the Gospel. You must prove your relevance in the Kingdom by making sure your life counts in leading men and women to CHRIST.
It’s all about JESUS. It’s not about me, it’s not about you, it’s not about our parents or whosoever but it’s all about GOD. So know that life is
all about JESUS. Live for HIM. Do what HE has sent You here on earth to do.
Thank You Precious HOLY SPIRIT for teaching us all things and bringing to our remembrance all what JESUS CHRIST our LORD has said.
All Glory and Honor be to GOD ALMIGHTY forever and ever in JESUS’ NAME. Amen!
Never Do This!!! My dear friends, brothers, sisters and parents; Never! Never! Never! Run away from the LORD.
No matter what you have done, no matter your situation, Never! Never! Run away from the LORD.
Call on HIM in every circumstances or situations you may find yourself in. Call on HIM.
No matter what you have done. Call on HIM, HE is a lovely and caring FATHER.
HE loves you and care for you so much more than you can ever think of. HIS love for us is steadfast forever and nothing can change HIS love for you and I.
So my dear, Never! Never! Run away from GOD the ALMIGHTY. No matter what you have done. Run to HIM always. Call on HIM always.
HE is the ‘I AM” who created you and love you so much. I thank You LORD JESUS for Loving us so much more than we can ever think of.
Blessed be Thy HOLY NAME forever. AMEN!!!!!!!
The society is killing our children. I can’t be silenced. It’s time for you also not to be silenced.
Today, killing has become a norm to many societies. Abortion has become a norm to many societies.
Abortion is a murder. And this has been legalized in many societies.
Stop killing innocent children! Stop killing innocent children! Stop! Stop! Stop!
For example, last year 2019 more than 900,000 children were killed in America through abortion alone. Then what about other nations!
The HOLY SPIRIT says “There are six things which the LORD hates, seven which are an abomination to HIM: … a hand that shed innocent blood,… (Proverbs 6:16-17).”
My dear brothers and sisters; stand firm and don’t compromise. Speak out boldly that abortion is a murder. Don’t vote for those who support murder. All those who support abortion and all those who are involved in it are all the same.
I say to all those who are involved in this evil act, repent from this evil life style, and stand against abortion. JESUS loves you. Repent! Repent! Repent!
If you love anyone tell him/her the truth. Love speaks the truth.
Not because you say you are a Christian, makes you a Christian.
Not because you claim that you are a Pastor or a Preacher or a Prophet or an Evangelist etc, makes you a Christian.
Not because you perform signs and wonders, makes you a Christian.
Not because you go to Church every Sunday or every day, makes you a Christian.
Not because your father or mother or siblings or relatives or friends are Christians, makes you a Christian.
Not because you associate yourself with denominations, makes you a Christian.
Not because you associate yourself with Christians, makes you a Christian.
Not because you help the poor and the needy, and you give to charities; makes you a Christian.
All of these things mention above does not make anyone a Christian. A Christian is anyone who have the HOLY SPIRIT in him/her. A Christian is anyone led by the SPIRIT of GOD. A Christian is anyone who has been baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT. Again, a Christian is someone like JESUS CHRIST. JESUS CHRIST was led by the SPIRIT of GOD, and so if you want to be like JESUS CHRIST, you must be led by the SPIRIT of GOD. For it is written, “For all who are led by the Spirit of GOD are Sons of GOD (Roman 8:14)” In order word, all those who are led by the WORD of GOD are Sons of GOD. Observe yourself and see if you are being led by the WORD of GOD in the Bible in your daily life. The WORD of GOD is SPIRIT and LIFE, and GOD does nothing without HIS WORD. For it is written, “Test yourselves to discover whether you are true believers: put your own selves under examination. Or do you not know that Jesus Christ is within you, unless you are insincere? (2 Corinthians13:5)”
After examine yourself, you yourself will know without you are a Christian or not. That is, whether you are being led by the SPIRIT of GOD or not. In order word, whether you are being led by the WORD of GOD or not. For it is written, “…. Anyone who does not have the SPIRIT of CHRIST does not belong to HIM (Roman 8:9).” If you are not a Christian, Stop deceiving yourself and become a Christian. Thank You LORD JESUS for Your WORD today. Give thanks and praises to GOD ALMIGHTY for HE loves you so much and HE wants you to be HIS Child forever and ever.
I invite you to make JESUS CHRIST the LORD of your life if you haven’t done so by praying thus with all your heart:
“O LORD GOD the ALMIGHTY, I believe with all my heart in JESUS CHRIST, Your SON. I believe He died for me, He died for my sins and YOU raised Him from the dead. I believe HE’S alive today and because of Him, I live. I confess with my mouth that JESUS is the LORD of my life from this day. I receive Your gift of Eternal Life into my Spirit.
Thank YOU LORD for saving my soul. Thank YOU LORD for Thy Salvation in JESUS’ NAME.”
If you have done so with all your heart; Congratulation!
Now, you are a Child of GOD and you have the Love of GOD in You. So, live for HIM alone and celebrate HIM in everyday of your life. Study His Word and make it the standard for your life. Make it your check system. Look for a Living Church and fellowship with them. The HOLY SPIRIT will help you.
Peace be with you. You’re lovely and highly welcome. It’s time to know that life on earth is short, and eternity is all that matters.
JESUS our Precious LORD asked; “… What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36)”
If a man or woman had all the degrees or certificates, fame and glamour in the world, and lived and died without CHRIST what would that be, compared to the anguish of living eternity in hell?
Now take this moment to give your life to JESUS if you haven’t done so by praying thus with all your heart (Spirit):
“O LORD GOD the ALMIGHTY, I believe with all my heart in JESUS CHRIST, Your SON. I believe He died for me, He died for my sins and YOU raised Him from the dead. I believe HE’S alive today and because of Him, I live. I confess with my mouth that JESUS is the LORD of my life from this day. I receive Your gift of Eternal Life into my Spirit.
Thank YOU LORD for saving my soul. Thank YOU LORD for Thy Salvation in JESUS’ NAME.
If you have done so with all your heart; Congratulation!
Now, you are a Child of GOD and you have the Love of GOD in You. So, live for HIM alone and celebrate HIM in everyday of your life. Study His Word and make it the standard for your life. Make it your check system. Look for a Living Church and fellowship with them. The HOLY SPIRIT will help you.
Finally, if you have given your life to JESUS but you are living a life of sin (such as lying, malice, coveting, unforgiveness, adultery, hatred to others, drunkenness etc) repent and live for JESUS. Live the life of love. For this is the Love of GOD, that we keep His Commandments (1 John 5:3).
Life on earth is short. Eternity is all that matters. The time to serve the LORD with wholehearted devotion, and make Him your number one focus, is now. The Word of GOD has been committed to your trust.
You are to tell others about JESUS CHRIST who is the only SAVIOR of mankind? You’re the Custodian of the Only Saving Power in the world: “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of CHRIST: for it is the Power of GOD unto Salvation to everyone that believeth (Romans 1:16).” There is no options to the Gospel. There’s no other way to the FATHER, except JESUS CHRIST. He said, “… I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the FATHER (GOD), but by Me (John 14:6).” This is absolute reality, and it must form the basis of your convictions: your speech, your thinking; your outlook on life must be from this understanding and persuasion about CHRIST and His Gospel.
Do your job as a Believer. JESUS CHRIST our Glorious LORD said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15).
Thank You Righteous LORD for this Glorious Privilege and Honor to tell others about You.